Black Blood Demon - The legitimacy of the Iranian Government is debatable, by humint
Is the Iranian government legitimate simply because it exists? The ideological foundations of the Islamic Republic of Iran are rotten. I’ve explained in the past that the problem in Iran is that country’s leadership’s oppressive interpretation of God’s will.
The disturbing fact is that there is an artificial – external component to the Iranian government’s survival. The Iranian government’s theological disease would have killed it as dead as the Aztecs a long time ago if it weren’t for a stroke of geological luck. The black blood keeping that fascist demon alive is oil. Without oil, the spiritually retarded ayatollahs of Iran would just be street corner freak shows in that country. Instead, this demon’s heart beats strong – to the rhythm of Western – supply of, and – demand for, black gold, aka, oil.
Let’s take the theology a step further. Iranian Clerics who subscribe to Velayat-e Faqih are a brand of “Islamic Fascist” whose claim to legitimacy comes from what they call “scholarly studies” of the Koran. Maybe the Koran is the word of God, but the study of God isn’t about words alone. God’s deeds are extremely important as well. All of God’s natural creations and natural laws are God’s actions, God’s visible deeds here on earth and in the heavens.
Velayat-e Faqih is Anti-God because it suggests a single “studied” man can and should interpret God’s word for all mankind and therfore supersede God’s creative will.
An important question may be, “who, among mortals, has a legitimate claim to understanding the will of God?” The answer is simple – The most observant and articulate mortals can and do claim to understand the will of God. Thomas Jefferson, a genius by any standard, wrote succinctly about God’s relation to society. Jeffersonian secularism, the spine of American ideology, cannot abide by the oppressive ideology of Velayat-e Faqih. I surmise the latter will eventually succumb to its contradictions with natural law.
How’s that for a sociological case study?