 Explosion kills Secretary General of the Islamic Unity Party in Iraq
BAGHDAD, Oct 12 (KUNA) -- Mohammad Al-Mousawi Al-Qasimi, Secretary General of the Islamic Unity Party, was assassinated Thursday when he was targeted by a bomb in Babel province south of here. The party's political office condemned the assassination and claimed that Iran was behind it.
The political activist was known for his efforts to expose secret foreign agendas in the country. He also unveiled several illegal activities that pose threat to Iraq's national security. Iraq National Accord, led by the well-known politician Ayad Allawi, released a statement mourning the late Iraqi political activist and said that Al-Qasimi was known for his good character and high national values.
HUMINT: There have been a string of assassinations in Iraq over the last six months that have primarily served the interests of Iran. Evidence to tie Iran directly to the killings is not always available however; a war zone cannot be mistaken for a crime scene. The investigative procedures in a war zone hardly resemble those of a peacetime investigation. What is clear about the Iranians is that they are selective in their sponsorship. Some Iraqis they have sponsored have been implicated in acts of terrorism against Iraqi civilians. Assassinations are only one dimension of Iran’s interference in Iraq. Political manipulation manifests itself in the form of state produced broadcasts, Iraqi ballot fixing and hiring clerics to go to Iraq to preach Iran’s theology to Iraqis.