 “An amount of 250 tons of gas oil hidden in large underground tanks in Khowesan district (10 km south of Basra) in preparation for smuggling was seized on Friday,” lieutenant colonel Abd al-Zahra Jabr told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) over the phone. “More than 150 soldiers from the custom police took part in the operation which is one of the biggest operations we launched in terms of the fuel seized,” Jabr, deputy-commissioner of the fourth district custom force, added. Jabr, however, said the smugglers could not be detained as they fled the area.
HUMINT: Basra is so close to Iran, Iran is the only logical recipient of smuggled oil. I find it interesting that the smugglers were not caught in this raid. No doubt the Iranian government would be caught with blood and oil all over thier hands.