HUMINT: The Iranian Devil
In Iran, the regime's ideology holds that the authority of the Supreme Leader is granted by God. In America, our ideology holds that our individual liberties are the guaranteed by God. This put's the theology of Iran’s Khomeinists in conflict with the philosophical greatness of John Locke and the legislative genius of Thomas Jefferson. Interestingly enough, Shi’ite theology, before the 1979 Revolution in Iran was supportive of separation of Mosque and state. The post revolutionary Iranian theological doctrine however is on a collision course with the ideology that founded the United States. That’s why the regime in Tehran is gunning for a fight with the United States. That’s why the Iranian government demonizes the effigy of the Statue of Liberty. That’s why the Basij are on the streets burning American flags. That’s why the theocrats of Tehran cannot be appeased. That’s why every attempt at negotiations with the Iranian government has been an abysmal failure.
Now have conversations like this one with average American college graduates. I’m serious. If you comprehend the source of our liberties on earth, I believe you are obligated to do so. As often as I can, I discuss these issues with whomever I can, as I do here. It’s not difficult to confront socialists, communists, atheists, academics and activists who work night and day to undo what the Founding Fathers did. I say it’s not tough because they hold demonstrations and sell newspapers on every college campus and on every major street corner. They make themselves far more accessible than do successful Jeffersonians. This is the other war, the war against moral ambiguity.
Fortunately, our heavy weapons in these two wars work well on both fronts. But we’re lacking soldiers. It’s time to dust the philosophy off, go out into the street and go to battle with these brilliant ideas. I assure you, WE, not Mahmud Ahmadinejad, are destined to win.